Search Engine Marketing

Grow your Search Engine Visibility

Six key products from one advanced platform

Landing Pages, Personalisation, Experimentation, AD-Map, Collaboration, Page Speed  to help you attract and grow your audience online faster.

Top Websites in US by Traffic
Top Websites in US by Traffic

What is Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a form of marketing that uses search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo to bring more traffic to a website. This can be done through optimizing the website for certain keywords and phrases so that it appears higher in search engine results pages, or through paid advertising on the search engine results pages. Advertisers bid on keywords that potential consumer might enter in search engine like Google when looking for certain products and services, which gives the advertiser an opportunity for their ads to list at the top of the search result page (SERP).

  Because it can be difficult to rank organically, especially for competitive terms, many website owners use SEM as a way to get their site in front of more eyes.  Search Engine Marketing can be result oriented, but it can also be very cost intensive.

Search Engine Marketing can be an effective way to increase traffic to a website, and can be used in conjunction with other marketing strategies such as content marketing, social media marketing, and email marketing.

Why is SEM important?


Because it can be difficult to rank high organically on SERPs, SEM provides a potential avenue for website owners to increase their visibility and traffic. SEM is important for website owners for a few reasons. First, SEM is an effective way to drive traffic to a website. Second, SEM can help website owners build brand awareness and credibility. By optimizing keywords and paying attention to the different signals that search engines use, SEM can help a company achieve better organic search results. In other words, customers can find a company’s products more easily through organic search results. This increased reach can lead to increased sales and increased brand awareness.

Since people enter specific keywords in search engine looking for information on product & services having commercial value, they are in a genuine state of mind to make a purchase, compared to the visitors scrolling on various social media where browsers are not explicitly searching for something.

So, Search engine marketing is an efficient way for a company to spend its marketing budget because advertisers pay only for impressions that result in visitors. Each such visitor exponentially enhances the website’s rankings in organic search results which can be an added bonus.

Paid search engines allow companies to target their ads to specific demographics and interests. The data collected by these engines helps to improve the targeting of future ads, and can also be used to measure the success of past ads

How Search Engine Marketing (SEM) works

Search Machines use complicated algorithms to insure the most applicable results are returned for each hunt, including position and other available information.

 In PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising, sponsored advertisements appear at the top of and on the side of SERP (Search Engine Results Page) to gain further visibility and elevation than the organic results.

For example, you may be a potential consumer looking for certain product or service online. You go to a search engine google/Bing and type in your search words (also known as keywords).

  In your search results page, you’ll come across colorful company advertisements whose keywords match the keywords in your search.

These advertisements appear at prominent places on the SERP – along with the other search results (organic search pages) that match your keywords. The paid listings in SERP are largely applicable to your specific search word, making it likely that you’ll click on them.

 Now, Let’s see how useful & beneficial are SEM campaigns to the Marketers.

SEM networks are easy to use, self-serving operations. Once a marketer makes choice of a network, they can easily set up their campaign in no time.

While setting up an ad campaign, the marketer has to just follow step by step guided process within the SEM network

  • Conduct keyword research and choose a set of keywords that suits their website content, product or service offered
  • Choose specific country or geographic territory where for the proposed ad would be displayed
  • Write keyword rich text ad to be displayed in the search results
  • Provide Bid on chosen keywords willing to pay for each click on their ad
Text- only advertisements are easy to setup. Advertisers enter a catchy headline, attractive texts for the body of the ad campaign, a simple call- to- action and a website URL for the hyperlink.

Search machine marketing is preferred by many, considered as most significant way to spend marketing budget.

How a strategic plan for testing can complement SEM

As you are already spending enough in search engine marketing to generate organic traffic & enhance potential customer base to your website, it is recommended to optimize that visitor profile for conversions and effectively enhance the efficiency of your spending. No marketer can accurately predict or make assumptions of consumer behavior. Being humans after all, our congenital biases and prejudices can cloud our projections & calculations.

Therefore, search engine marketing agencies world over go for testing methods like A/B testing

AB Testing

What is AB testing?

AB testing is a technique used in digital marketing where A/B tests are conducted to compare the effectiveness of two versions of a website or web page or PPC advertising campaign. The two versions of the website/landing page or ad campaign are typically called A and B, and the goal of the test is to determine which version is more useful and effective to attract the visitors and successful in converting them into customers.
AB testing is also used to determine which design elements of the ad or copy of a website are most effective in converting visitors into customers.

How testing is effective & result oriented for marketers?

Marketers tend to focus more and allocating more resources on ad creatives, variations & testing with less attention to all important optimization of Landing pages. This involves working with multiple technology platforms. Landing pages are like main gate for any potential customer to get introduced to your brand, to interact directly with your services. Creating an innovative, attractive and neatly optimized Landing pages can make huge difference to your marketing efforts in establishing brand image.

Global Digital Advertising experts like Instapage offer all in one platform, easy to manage, for ad testing & optimization which makes the cost intensive, resource consuming task of multi-platform tracking & complex data analysis easy for marketers. 

Visit their website for more information on resourceful features and services offered.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Change My Shipping Address?

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How Do I Activate My Account?

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How Can I Use My Remaining Account Credits?

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Why Must I Make Payment Immediately At Checkout?

Far far away, behind the word Mountains far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmark

How long do I get support?

Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line

Do I need to renew my license?

Marks and devious Semikoli but the Little Blind Text didn’t listen. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way.

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Blog post with meta info button

Want more click through? Leverage the blog post with meta info button style

Creating AI Content for blog, Top 5 AI Content Creation Softwares 

Creating AI Content for blog, Top 5 AI Content Creation Softwares 

Adding fresh content to your blog on a regular basis can help improve its search engine visibility. The challenge of writing new posts, however, is especially difficult for busy business owners. It might be a good idea to hire an AI writer to create your content.